Poverty? I hate!

Poverty? I hate!

In the wide field of secondary theaters of war, the regional party CDU/NRW is opening its program against poverty. Just a joke: it's a conservative party, so it's against the poor. Which should be positioned against the poorest. In its desperate search for issues, the party is now abandoning all decency. It appeals to the baser instincts of the frightened petty bourgeoisie and hopes for cheap success in the management of the perception economy.

Kai Blasberg discovers a pattern.

By Kai Blasberg
One of the disgusting citizens in the Bundestag is Jens Spahn.
As if he were committed to this image, he recently gave an equally disgusting interview on the FAZ podcast.
He managed to calmly and eloquently combine the words recipient of citizens' benefit and total refuser.
He repeated this as often as he learned from Trump. Until it sits.
The millionaire Spahn, who has never earned money on the open market outside of state appanagements, has been sitting in the Bundestag for 22 years at the age of 43.

He is a close friend of the criminal ex-children's chancellor Sebastian Kurz, the sociopath Julian Reichelt and the right-wing extremist Trump ambassador Richard Grenell, to name just the nastiest guys, and he deliberately gave us this new term from the family of ne'er-do-wells with bad intentions.
Of course, it was the FAZ, without any objection from the obviously excited presenter.
His all male journeymen from the NRW regional association around the enemy boss, the undead Fritze Merz and cucumber general Carsten Linnemann,
have now decided to revive an ancient story of the lost Western Republic.
"People who do everything but make a living," said Helmut Kohl from Rhineland-Palatinate, south of North Rhine-Westphalia, in the 1980s.

He meant the hated Sozen and Left Greens, when they weren't called that yet. But he also managed, somewhat elegantly, to distract from the fact that he himself was wading knee-deep in swamps of party donations and of course otherwise only holding out his big, thick hands for state money.
In the 1970s, physically disabled people were called cripples.
Mentally disabled people were called mongos and social disabilities were given the attribute anti-social.
Two of the three terms were already heavily abused in the Third Reich.
And it was certainly not those on the left of the political landscape who thought it was possible to speak about it.
The malicious provincial brainiacs from North Rhine-Westphalia are now on the move in this beautiful tradition of exclusion and hate-mongering.
Because, like the CSU's dodders from the south, all power in the CDU is concentrated on the Rhine and in Westphalia.

The chic Mr. Wüst governs quietly with the supposedly hated Greens in a country larger than the Netherlands that absolutely does not want to find a government.

The old original sin Laschet comes from North Rhine-Westphalia, as does Norbert Röttgen, who died no less in a dead end.
The model migrant woman Serap Güler, the fat Laumann for the social conscience and the very strange inner sheriff Reul, all from North Rhine-Westphalia.
And all of them were there when educational policy in some parts of Germany was still being determined by Margot Honecker, the original. Except for Ms. Güler.
Back then it was still considered nonsense.
The disgusting Jens once said that you have to learn to forgive yourself and by that he only meant himself, as he noticed the brutal mistakes of his, thank God, short term as Corona President early on.
Spahn is the highest paid unemployed person in Germany.
In the CDU of his world, only the one who rules counts.
And because of the original sin, the loser Armin, he now has nothing to do and is chatty simulating activity. He basically doesn't care about the topic. Just health. He will avoid them in the future.
But now things are getting dangerous. The CDU/NRW, they should run in the next election, is promoting social peace. She agitates against poor people.
Unfortunately, the left has completely forgotten this clientele or is so scattered through space and time that it is unlikely that any help will come here.
Of course, everyone knows that no matter what the welfare state calls help, there is nothing to be gained from those who are really in need.
Of course, anyone who has spent a bit of time in society knows that money is available in incredibly large quantities, but that distribution quite intentionally doesn't work at all. Of course, a welfare state is expensive. And if something is expensive, those who have it pay.
A quarter (!!!) of the entire state budget this year will end up in tax-financed subsidies for pension insurance. Read that again. The trend is of course increasing.

But pensioners make up 25 million of all voters. They also choose.
Those under 30 but only 9.
Only 50% of citizens' benefit recipients vote, and there are far, far fewer voters. Because there are so few of them.
And those who Jens calls total objectors are not getting anything today either. Isso.
So who cares about politics, no matter how wrong it is?
And who can you defame with impunity in a democracy?
Even if pensions represent the greatest poverty risk of the future: there are no recipes that politicians will offer.
Yes, of course they exist. Just ask Austria.
But then those who have a lot would have to give it up.
And for that Germany needs Hitler or Gorbachev.
But not Jens Spahn.

*Kai Blasberg worked in the private media in Germany for 40 years
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