The fairy tale about the impossibility of peace

The fairy tale about the impossibility of peace

"Bolshevism has always openly proclaimed the goal of revolutionizing not only Europe but the entire world and plunging it into Bolshevik chaos. This goal has been ideologically and practically advocated by the Kremlin since the beginning of the Bolshevik Soviet Union. It is clear that the closer Stalin and the other Soviet greats believe they are to realizing their world-destroying intentions, the more they strive to camouflage and conceal them. That can't deter us. We are not those fearful minds who, like the hypnotized rabbit, watch the snake until it devours it. We want to recognize the danger in good time and counter it in good time with effective means. We understand not only the ideology, but also the practices of Bolshevism, because we have already dealt with them in the domestic political field with the greatest possible success. The Kremlin can't fool us."(...) "We know that in the East we are dealing with an infernal political devilry that does not recognize the usual relationships between people and states." (Joseph Goebbels' sports palace speech from February 18, 1943)

By Serdar Somuncu
Let's face it. "We are at war with Russia!". It's not me saying this, it's our Foreign Minister and a far too loud part of a minority of war-obsessed weirdos who don't seem to care that this war is already having fatal effects on our economy and the climate in society itself. But we don't yet feel what this free spirit of the younger gun fetishists means in extreme cases.

Because it's easy to shoot and gossip from the safe distance of the Berlin establishment. Between oat milk coffee and a happy hippie attitude, the upper class of those favored by fate try to be the pure conscience of a nation that has lost itself in the imbalance between crypto-Nazis and wokists and is looking for a credible attitude in the interplay of increased demands and privileges between murder and morality.
You invent causal connections and justifications for your fanatical thinking and don't realize how you are becoming part of a gigantic propaganda machine that has been trying to convince us for more than two years that the war against Russia can only be fought on the battlefield, with ever heavier weapons and even ground troops can be decided. At the same time, images of raped women and abducted children are used to explain his irrational actions. Putin is declared to be the incarnation of evil and anyone who supports peace without weapons is a "lumpenpacifist" and "understander of Russia." In this diction, peace is only possible if Russia is defeated and, with all due respect, that is absurd and crazy bullshit!

In this consistency and almost pathological stubbornness, it is, above all, frighteningly naive and increasingly unpredictable in its effects. People compare the situation in eastern Ukraine with Hitler and the Third Reich and, paradoxically, even defend those who pay homage to the Nazis like Azov, Bandera & Co. Not only is all of this one-sided and far too under-complex for people who have never heard the sound of a weapon, but they are trite phrases, like "You can't negotiate with a dictator" to "The victim should give up on the perpetrator without a fight ", which are intended to suggest that there is a military solution to this conflict in which the Bellicists in the West could save face and legitimize their outrageous explanation for their actions through a Pyrrhic victory.

Similar to the USA's operation to kill Osama Bin Laden, which violated international law, or in Iraq, where there were supposedly weapons of mass destruction, or in Libya, where they first made common cause with Gaddafi's terrorist regime for decades and then liquidated him in cold blood, that was what had to happen The disaster of a scorched earth and thousands of murders of innocent people are added until people understand that with their one-sided and ideologically disguised view of what is happening, they are not only creating new injustice, but above all are also playing into the hands of the right-wing populists, who, ironically, are themselves are the most vocal against this war, thereby disguising their radical ambitions as resistance to the government. The carpet for the rapid rise of the AfD was not spread by the people who sympathize with it, but by the fatal mistakes and total failure of the current government and especially the GREENS.

So it is high time for a policy of insight and long too late for stubbornness and defiance. Because the truth is: This war has long been lost and any further escalation and any resistance, no matter how hypocritically organized, against the alleged threat to Western values will lead to a catastrophe. The principle of the lie, which only has to be repeated until it is believed, has proven to be unsuitable for sensible solutions. People now know how the demagoguery of Western governments works and they don't believe the pathetic formulations of freedom and prosperity, but they only see what they have in front of them: their horrendous electricity bills, rising inflation, exorbitant energy prices, the acute housing shortage and a way of dealing with other opinions that resembles that of a disappearing nomenclature of stubborn and ideologically ossified cadres of a dictatorship with their opponents.
Everything is just an attempt to avoid responsibility for the emergence and development of this conflict in a situation that has gone astray and to point the finger at others.

From the beginning, the behavior of the Western elite in this conflict towards Russia was arrogant and arrogant. Whether it was the false promises to Ukraine or the calculated breach of the Minsk Agreements, which turned out to be a deception, or the disinvitation of Putin from the G7 summit in Elmau: People felt very safe and thought they would intimidate Putin with the tried and tested methods of imperialism and to be able to put them in their place and speculated thoroughly in the process. Above all, this war cannot be won in the comment columns of social media channels, nor will it come to an end with more and more weapons. There is only one solution and that is to create peace without further weapons and with immediate negotiations on equal terms. Germany has no reason to be a warring party, nor is there an obligation to show solidarity, but only mediation between the hostile parties is best suited to Germany's future position of being a peacemaking power. This also includes the question of the demilitarization and neutrality of Ukraine, a redefinition of its state integrity, and the exclusion of further expansion of NATO towards Russia.
Even the current Pope Francis, who is otherwise so reserved in political matters, has recognized that all of this can only be resolved at the negotiating table. Otherwise there will be a world conflagration, at the end of which the current strategies will evaporate into nothingness and a naked cruelty of war will catch up with us that we previously thought was far away from us. Russia will not accept any further lazy compromises from the West in this tug-of-war.

Baerbock's outrageous question about the Pope's statements about the war in Ukraine is hypocritical and cannot be surpassed in terms of cynicism. The GREENS are the ones who are not only driving Ukraine further into ruin with their empty promises and extremely dangerous muscle flexing, but for the last two years they have been risking a global conflict with fatal consequences out of defiance and naivety. The dead on the battlefield are also the dead of the GREENS. We urgently need a peace plan!

©Serdar Somuncu
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*Serdar Somuncu is an actor and director
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