Finally be outraged

Finally be outraged

The ARD has appointed a council. This time one for your own future.
This (yes, masculine) under the direction of media manager (feminine) Julia Jäkel didn't want to understand the order and simply did his job.
Once again, no one likes this except the citizens.
And the citizen is sleeping. Which makes Kai Gniffke happy. If you don't know it: ok!

By Kai Blasberg
You read my column. Fine!
This shows how smart you are.
Because you have to be that way to understand them.
I don't write for fools.

Please follow me in a thought that sounds banal, but threatens our lives as an interconnected society and is of enormous importance for our future.

A story of opportunism and fascism, of stupidity and an outrageous indifference, which culminates in one motto in my generation:
"Whatever you want to do, you can't do anything."

Before you catch yourself making dismissive hand gestures and mentally switching off: I am writing here as a citizen and not as a lobbyist for private television.
Especially since I painted the damaged sails a long time ago.

It's about the content financed by our taxes, which ARD and ZDF and their children throw nonchalantly, cowering and applauding at the feet of Google's enemies of society for free.

This idolatrous desire and complex, which was discovered late because it had long been ignored, to reach and inspire various "target groups".

Mind you: a mass medium has no target groups because it is aimed at the masses.
Especially if this doesn't result in any financing.

A target group, on the other hand, does not have numerical characteristics, but rather, if any, behavioral characteristics and similarities and even equalities.

This means that a target group cannot be fourteen to forty-nine, but can certainly own dogs.

Or, if I watch radio on YouTube because I'm interested in the content, but I'm 59, I don't screw up the editing, but the editorial team did their job.

From a purely philosophical point of view, the target group is one thing above all: irrelevant!
And deadly for content creators, as it works on the unattainable.

This mass, i.e. everyone, many, most, has always reached the most expensive public broadcasting system in the world.
Around 10 billion euros should now be available. Not forever.
But in a year!

However, about 30 years ago this system fell into panic paralysis because the developed private broadcasters had managed to claim their strengths as a strength for everyone. Which was never more than just an assertion.
They were more successful with younger viewers.
That was us. Today's Boomers. The number of boys today has, of course, been halved.

The top dogs smiled at first and didn't bother; then they stopped smiling and became bitter, then they started running after her.

The result: ZDF is now first in terms of all viewers, but with 2.5 billion, it is financially paradisiacally equipped and programmed like a private broadcaster.
All kinds of Sokos, all kinds of cash, all kinds of Rosenheim.
A huge, largely irrelevant recycling machine with a bit of tried-and-tested mainstream information.

The complex of no longer being able to please the "young people" leads to the fact, which goes unnoticed in public, that YouTube, the worst of all Google subsidiaries, has Australia-sized holes in it through the finest programming from citizen-financed sources, made available free of charge I'm happy to see how stupid the German radio operators could be?

This pure opportunism, pursued with rigid fervor, bears the hallmarks of the renowned bloc parties of the GDR, which was dying in the 1980s.

And now the Future Council comes and asks who on the client side even knows about the existence of cups that were in cupboards.
Admittedly, the sentence needs something.

Just imagine that your partner is cheating.
Would you book the hotel suite?
Let the champagne cool?
Buy condoms?
If so, a visit to relevant psychologists would be advisable.
There might be something wrong with your self-esteem.

However, this damaged psychology has permeated the public broadcasting system since its self-declared constant defeats in the battle for the idol of youth in the 1990s and 2000s.
They didn't think about their strengths, that they were able to produce a great program that was worth the price, but rather they strategized, evaded, and reformulated.
Banished, founded, doubted, rejected. Crime novels came out.
Everything was thoroughly controlled, constantly criticized, quarreling, desperate.
When did you ever find self-confident, self-confident leaders in these organizations who said: follow me. I'll show you the way.

No, deeply imbued with the idea of not reaching the "young" people, they initially founded unbudgeted channels like ZDFneo, only to then subject them to the dictates of the numbers and degrade them to repeat organs.
So now this disease of the system at Google has come to a head.

The Future Council has recognized and named this fact.
He demands nothing less from the system than its self-abolition and reinvention.
To sacrifice oneself in the name of the Father (the citizens) in order to be able to be reborn.
We know this from a man from Nazareth.

The reactions from broadcasters and politicians are strangely silent; negotiations are currently underway about even more money for the system that should now die so that it can live.

And everyone asks themselves: what idiot wanted this advice.

Of course, you cannot manage this process with the people involved.

Friedrich Merz once said: "If you want to drain a swamp, you shouldn't ask the frogs." I'm not a fan of Merz or of animal comparisons, but it was just right.

The guardians of the system no longer even begin to recognize that they have the confidence to create and maintain large, strong units that speak for themselves.
For a lot less money.

That's why you create councils. Nothing like that has ever hurt.

The next step must be to change one tiny letter in the choice of words.
Advice becomes action.

Because: Ms. Jäkel and her colleagues also know exactly that their wise and correct recommendations will only be implemented if they do not cause pain to anyone.

And so they continue to diligently pour the camels onto the Internet, dreaming of common technical platforms, the creation of which they miss decade after decade.
True to the strange actions of a nameless 100m runner:
He amputates his right leg during a break from training and invites the slavering zombies to do foot care.

Does that make you shake your head?
Me, yes!

*Kai Blasberg worked in the private media in Germany for 40 years
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