July for President

July for President

Europe is all around. Championship, election, commission. As far as the eye can see, Europe. According to Frenchman Macron, Europe can die. He seems to want to be the Grim Reaper. Europe is, as standard in our time, in crisis and - of course all at the same time - the greatest peace project and the future par excellence. It is understandable that simpler minds no longer understand this. Kai Blasberg, the super-smart man at the keyboard, observes:
This morning I had to smile heartily: you should know that I devote myself almost exclusively to football in the form of various podcasts. Our glorious Frank Walter recommended this, as he himself no longer listens to the news because of the sadness of what has happened. One of these audio works is "Stammplatz" from Springer-Verlag. Very solid, not very journalistic, lots of gossip and, of course, highly commercial. Springer, after all. As part of the European Football Championships, Volkswagen AG had the amusing idea of putting one of the presenters of "Stammplatz", the funny fellow Andre Albers, in one of their visually unfortunate electric vans and sending him on a big fan football rant, with a botched advertising campaign of course. The first signal was sent today. On the road on Germany's roads, there was considerable friction from the charging stations for this Volkswagen, which the public cannot buy for less than 60,000 euros. If you have paid for it, that doesn't mean that the electric car can be supplied. Because alas: the Springer publishing house seems to use credit cards that the systems do not recognize. The result: standstill. If we can assume that the Wolfsburg residents a) pay money in order to b) achieve an advertising effect from this action, the campaign has already gone down the drain. An expensive electric car in retirement. That's how funny progress in the miserable country of the Federal Republic of Germany is in miniature.

A few days ago, I was sitting in a polling station on a Sunday as a member of a local council. The highly respectable task: to monitor the election. Which must have taken place pretty much exactly like this in 1954 in Fritz Walter's time. 34 parties on one piece of paper, one vote. By cross. With a pen or pencil. Behind a visual barrier (one) and with a lockable ballot box. The majority of those eligible to vote didn't care about this eligibility, they didn't vote. In second place were those who did not think it was possible to go to the polling station and so requested voting documents by post from the electoral authority. It is not known whether they were filled out and returned. A complex procedure to say the least. When it came to the election itself, after the counting, it was clear that there was a slightly superior turn towards conservatism and Darwinism. CDU ahead of AfD. Only the dumbest calves..., you know. It should also be noted that in the Baltic States the entire procedure takes place online. It works, by the way.
Two weeks ago I recommended abolishing the office of Federal President here. I would like to correct myself. The incumbent is running the office in such a way that I was intrigued. But now I saw Juli Zeh, who I know well from her great books, explaining things brilliantly, soberly, intelligently and sympathetically in the ARD media library. And I thought to myself: she is the one!
Because let's imagine: a Federal President who shows us Germans the way brilliantly, soberly, intelligently and sympathetically. Maybe even getting carried away with a new thought of her own. Heaven, how wonderful it is to feel that I can still dream. Juli Zeh. It could be that time in 2027. A woman. A moderately young one. Generation X. Mother who lives with her husband and daughter in Brandenburg among people. Who can write well, can speak well, as a Rhinelander can cheerfully address things well to men and women and everything else too. Judge. Top of the class. Horse rider and an empathetic contemporary with no inhibitions. And: here comes the kicker: without a party membership card. She is the new Germany.
She is the first to fill the office BECAUSE she does not come from a party. Because that will no longer be allowed in 2027. She accompanies the reformation of the powers as the leader of the new way of thinking. She wins the trust of those who no longer want to believe in anything because they have so often been led astray by the organized blabbermouths of the parties. She will explain why it will be a European Union of Regions and why the nation state will disappear in favor of a better idea.
Tell people about Juli Zeh. And about Konstantin Kuhle. He was also on the show with Juli Zeh and is therefore a good choice because he presents what we have to overcome in such an exemplary and absolute way. A career man from the ailing FDP who rushes from interview to talk show, from WDR to phoenix, from one urban event to the next sponsor event and confuses that with real life.
Who actually and honestly countered an angry freight forwarder in the studio that now, after his second legislative term, he was in danger of losing his Bundestag mandate and would then be left empty-handed. I will leave that without comment. Just this much: if a member of the Bundestag leaves after two legislative terms, his pension is roughly the same as yours, dear reader. But you have to pay in for 45 years. Any questions?
Oh yes, so many. But it reminded mea reader, there is always so much text with me.
Well: I write. I think pointedly too. Perhaps the effort of reading is worth it. Even if I demand a lot of thought. If you manage it, you can be proud. Just think about it. On Friday we play against Scotland. It will work. The Hungarian is sending a good team. And Switzerland will do things that Switzerland does and be eliminated early. Despite Granit Xhaka. I have also already finished the semi-final. Germany against France and Austria against Denmark. If you want to know. Our semi-final opponent will then know what will happen next with his country. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Is Macron still in his right mind or is he a brilliant world leader? Unfortunately, there seems to be no in-between. Slowly it is becoming clearer: those we want to elect and confirm are gamblers. Addicts. Power-mad and also a lot of little pissers. If we stop complaining now and channel our energy into new thinking, you, dear readers, can say that it all started back then, when Kai wrote that. July. Please step forward.

*Kai Blasberg worked in the private media in Germany for 40 years
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