Smoking weed for peace

Smoking weed for peace

OK. This government has already put a lot on us. Weapons for peace, freezing against the Russians and now smoking weed for health. Where is this all going?
I have no idea if any of this makes any sense.

By Serdar Somuncu
When I was a teenager, I always despised stoners because they were so slow, so contaminated and so positive. Stoners, those were the freaks with the long hair and bad teeth who listened to "I Shot the Sheriff". Alcohol was a men's drug and aggro. Heavy metal and punk. Football and horny women. Liquid testosterone. Drinking was for potency, we thought. And there was always a fag in the corner of our mouth. The rest was hippie stuff. Plautze, depression, liver damage, it didn't matter. But now smoking weed is being declared a state affair and legalized by the highest authorities. And that by a health minister who a few times ago We haven't been able to warn often enough about the dangers of a cold for months and there is no salt. Just like the Kaasköppe in Holland used to be, we Moffen will soon be able to go to the coffee shop opposite and roll ourselves a joint after getting advice at the counter beforehand black Afghans and brown Moroccans. Take a Nafri - Smoke that Shit!

Somehow it makes me feel uneasy. Not only because it is kept secret that cannabis doesn't really work without tobacco, so you are consuming two drugs at the same time, but also because there is not enough information about the psychological consequences of consumption. You act as if you are undermining the black market and doing something good at the same time. But do you also offer cars cheaply to prevent illegal car trading? Do you set up state brothels to close down street prostitution? Hardly likely.
In this respect, the government's argument seems to me more like an excuse and a way to lure young voters. Because most people between the ages of 18 and 38 would rather smoke weed than drink these days. Or they do coke. You should also think about releasing it.

Don't get me wrong, this is neither a plea for alcohol nor is it a sympathy for smoking weed. It is more a question of whether a government can allow itself to legalize a drug that it knows very well that it does at least no good and is also a source of at least one other drug, namely nicotine. As if we didn't already have enough problems with vapers and shisha bars that sell you some apple scent and hubabuba taste as tasty.
On the one hand, we are becoming more and more environmentally and health-conscious, we are giving up meat, we can't tolerate cows or gluten and we are paying attention to any shit that could harm us. There are campaigns for healthy eating and other stuff, but on the other hand we are being counteracted these concerns by legalizing a drug that causes significant harm not only to the body but also to the mind. And the eternal argument that alcohol is much worse doesn't make it any better. One evil does not replace the other. Both are bad.

So now there's smoking weed too. Who knows, maybe I'm just one of those boomers who don't keep up with the times and demonize everything that's new and see something harmful in it. Maybe I should think that there really are worse and more important things than gossiping about smoking weed.
All right then. A few days ago I saw a self-experiment on YouTube. In it, a well-known YouTuber injected himself with the most hallucinogenic drug in the world and then just lay on the sofa and blissfully stammered, "Wow." Dude, pictures like that make my ass crawl. How can you be so stupid as to do something like that voluntarily whistle?
Regardless of whether it's a boomer or not. I can't classify dealing with such substances as self-experience or self-determination and I certainly can't ignore how many of my "courageous" friends ended up in prison because they hopelessly underestimated the stuff back then.

The best thing would be a life without drugs, but that would probably be boring. And first you have to define when a drug starts and when the pleasure ends. In this respect, I shouldn't continue writing now, because otherwise I'll develop a strange desire to get upset, which, in case of doubt, can also be addictive and could be harmful.

©Serdar Somuncu
Current program "Soul Heil" can now be downloaded in the shop
*Serdar Somuncu is an actor and director
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