Might. But nothing!

Might. But nothing!

May is the month of rituals. The labor movement remembers itself, i.e. the past, the corporations are preparing the next, even more successful year of their inglorious history, the government is saving. And in football, some people talk about their lives year after year. But it doesn't matter, says Kai Blasberg.
I once lived on Lake Tegernsee for a short time. When I raised my confused head every morning, I thought I was dreaming. There was a lake in front of the mountain range on the near horizon. In it's entirety. In front of me. No postcard has ever been more beautiful. However, I couldn't bear it for long. I didn't belong here. "Always happy is not happy" as Pumuckl once said. Or rather Hans Clarin. Or Ellis Kraut. Do not you know? Well...

Powerful, mostly rich people like to live at Tegernsee. Very rich people around him even drive cars so small and old that everyone talks about them. Because real wealth is not surrounded by brands. With appearance. With insignia. Real wealth is. People don't talk about it. You are indignant. About the new wealth. This has left a lasting negative mark on wealth and the image of money and possessions through the Galabunte effect, the Heino-Polo-mongering and champagne Baldessarinization. The old wealth writes the laws, the new one talks about them. The old wealth determines everything, the new wealth actually determines nothing, but is more noticeable. Feudalism lives in the old wealth, capitalism in the new. By exposing the public, which of course belongs to the old rich, the servants of this spectacle confuse the different forms of power.
For example, there is a clearly aging ex from a medium-sized small company with excessive personnel costs sitting there and rambling nonsense to the people, who are happy and eager to follow suit and there is always someone in the group of people who thinks the talk is worth it, whereupon Discussions across the country will be convened to discuss such things. The person driven by the newspapers who likes to talk so much about German virtues in the outerwear of the American fashion manufacturer Ralph Lauren feels recognized and important.

Uli feels power.
Not because he sits on the supervisory board as a simple member. There he would have to be accompanied to resign because of his derailments. But he won't. Even the "grandpa-tells-about-the-war" attitude is only whispered behind closed doors, one fears... Yes, what exactly?
No reaction to what the old farmer said: and all power is gone.
Power is in fact abundantly amoprh. It is often not really tangible or catchable. Power is very often a result of corruption, opportunism, desire for hierarchy and indifference. "Those up there..." you know the saying. But most of the time, power is a guess. An addition and measurement, a question of faith. Power in the wise sense is a part of a coin, on the back of which rests responsibility. Power, whose reputation in Germany has been badly damaged due to various events of the past century and is usually equated with its abuse, only works properly with the recognition of these two sides. Martin Winterkorn never knew anything about this duality, power and responsibility. He was an engineer by training and regularly scolded his servants of this profession at trade fairs if the gap dimensions did not seem sufficient to him. Don't ask what that is supposed to be. It's always a petty thing and, for the leader of a large organization, quite laughable. Later he wanted to become the largest car manufacturer in the world and ordered things the implementation of which would result in breaking the law. The servants knew this while they were doing it, but no one said anything. The captain refused responsibility, the servants refused their power. Politicians don't have any. They are characters for whom "being there" is enough. Therefore, you are not responsible for anything or anyone. At best, politicians organize power, but they appear in hordes. Their power is limited to gossiping in overcrowded and inflationary old-fashioned talk booths and social media embarrassments. There, meaningless things are discussed in the interest of the powerful and to distract the powerless. And then, as a witness to the whole thing, you go to sleep with the new knowledge of the Taurus' limited range.
When I was a child, my mother made me aware of the pitifulness of those who were supposedly powerful. "Just imagine him naked" was her principle. I did it. It's been like that for me ever since.
Beautiful is different.

What would have happened to the power of the Kremlin if Vladimir had been fought in the same way he fought his opponents?
Would China be there where we accompanied them through greed and lies? What would America look like if it wasn't just billionaires who owned the country?
Or to put it another way: when did you ever rebel? When did you speak up when you knew you were right and it served a greater cause? When have you ever taken a risk, even with a semi-detached house and school-age children?
Friede Springer was also often at the lake. Or better: in the valley, as they say at Tegernsee. She created the profession of publisher's widow. In a generation, after full digitalization is complete, people will think that she presided over a tiling company. The strict bright woman from the clear north managed to make a billion-dollar fortune by marrying her ailing namesake for the fifth time. A business model that was not only used here. Kind regards to Gütersloh. Now, also getting older, she bequeathed part of her property to the taut Matze, who is supposed to fulfill the cliché of the unborn. With 2 meters and a few centimeters of body, a major publisher in the sense of the word. Although he appeared more often than he would have liked because of all sorts of transgressions in the public eye so despised by the real rich, it only hurt him for a few weeks at most. The transfer of a billion-dollar share package, for which those involved decided not to pay the usual and annoying duties or taxes, is more sustainable. Now the powerless person asks himself: "Yes, is that possible?" And the answer is this. "Yes, of couse". Of course not with the powerless, i.e. the very, very many. But always with those who write the rules. Where would we be then. And so the great philanthropist, as an employee, inherited, got, took over, you name it, the values for Umme that had already been bequeathed in a highly doubtful manner. For free. Without deductions for the community. There were only few complaints about this. In the publishing world one crow scratches the other... oh, you get tired.
Power begins in the mind. Also at Tegernsee.
Use yours. And defend yourself.

*Kai Blasberg worked in the private media in Germany for 40 years
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