

The AfD is holding its party conference in Essen. Outside, tens of thousands are protesting against the far-right. Inside, a morgue of thoughts is revealed. No trace of politics or ideas. Malice, ridicule and contempt for humanity reign supreme. Anyone who votes for them knows what they are doing. Kai Blasberg is somewhat stunned.
I did it again. For the third time in a row, I watched the AfD's rubble troop being evil for hours on phoenix live. This time, many things were very different than usual. In the years before, chaos was revealed. In thoughts, in strategies, in politics and actions. They can't do it. They never will be able to. The AfD of this past was a quarrelsome mixture of civil failures, frustrated people and meanderers with a BMI of well over 35. They insulted and attacked each other like in a play that Hieronymus Bosch would have written if he hadn't been a painter. A collection of failures who feel almost erotic pleasure in the subjugation of their party friends. There was really no danger from this monkey circus. That's what I thought until Saturday.

Now this all-male party presented itself as deliberately civil and disciplined. Of course, only for the conditions that still prevail among these evil people. There was a director. You noticed that again and again. Because - and this is only noticed by those who subject themselves to this torture for hours - evil was everywhere. And it flashed through again and again. In spontaneous, hyper-aggressive, dismissive speeches, in close-ups by the hall cameras of the overfed, bored faces eaten away by contempt. Faces of anger. Because: the AfD had suffered a setback. Despite the currently disastrous domestic policies of all the "old parties", as the AfD calls its competitors, the trees of the right-wing radical misanthropists did not grow to the sky. Less than 16% was not what the fat men dreamed of, even fantasized about. All of their friends from abroad got twice as much. Whether in Holland, Austria or France. Not to mention Italy. The model country in black, red and gold is weakening. As a result, the board elections were joyless and without alternatives; it was agreed what should happen. Only the self-proclaimed savior of the new German movement, the pathological narcissist Björn "Bernd" Hoecke, was clearly displeased. He is horrified by a dual leadership, just as he seems to be horrified by everything that goes on in the federal AfD. A lesbian who lives abroad with an Asian woman and a nutter from the East: that is not what Hoecke, the enemy of culture, imagines under German leadership.
But he must keep calm. If he said what he meant, he would be thrown out. Because the party as a whole, which is struggling to maintain civility, cannot afford a pure fascist. At most in Thuringia. Who cares? He knows that. He was in agony. A psychologically trained mimic reader was delighted on Saturday by the waxy, doll-like and completely effeminate visage of this idiot.
The despised Mrs Weidel was gloating, the master painter Chupalla was showing off, the fatso Stefan Brandner, a kind of modern-day Hermann Göring, openly displayed his mocking contempt for everything that defines modernity in his usual manner. And even former moderates like the ex-Social Democrat Kai Gottschalk, a failed angry citizen of the purest quality like all the others, are crossing the boundaries they have set themselves for years in order to snatch a warm spot on the board by pretending to screech and scream hysterically. The fact that these people are mortal enemies of one another was evident from every pore and crevice. But: nothing about this in the reporting. On the contrary. No one addressed the fact that this party is not about Germany at all. That it is not about content, concepts, strategies or even alternatives for the future. No. During the entire period, only politics itself was portrayed with contempt. Personal insults were presented as a mass product, no one asked a single question about the content. It is so easy to take these cucumbers apart. If politics in the future is about who can humiliate their competitors the most viciously, the AfD is the first choice. But if German journalists were to succeed in getting to the bottom of the people involved by asking questions, firstly they would be doing what is their job and secondly there would be a chance to burst the AfD bubble. This party is dead as a doornail. It is fighting for nothing. It wants to occupy the hated state so that it can prosper itself. The men of the AfD are exactly what they accuse the others of being. Expense knights and chatter kings, lazybones and moaners of the worst provenance. Their first two candidates for the EU elections are obviously criminals, the other right-wing radicals kicked them out of their group. Internationally, the brown-blue group of soup-suckers must fear for their connection. The nationalists want to call themselves "patriots of Europe". What idiocy. The men of the AfD are sexists. Racists. Nationalists. They have a fascist worldview in which only the origin and the free play of forcesAnything that is a minority is their enemy. This party mercilessly attacks students, single parents, poor pensioners, anything that needs help, anything that requires special protection. Since they themselves are so marginalized and deeply hurt by their own failure in the midst of middle-class society, they seek revenge. That is what characterizes the right. If something goes wrong, someone else must be to blame for their own existence. They are always against something. Against citizens' income. Against foreigners. Against knives. Against mass rape. Against war. Against cycle paths in Peru. The world view of the men of the AfD corresponds to that of a Catholic singing teacher in the Kolpinghaus Wipperfürth in Konrad Adenauer's Germany. Incidentally, almost all of the bad-tempered ones failed in the West and succeeded in the East. They are for a Germany that never was and babble about Europe. They are homophobic and are represented by a lesbian woman who would rather live in Switzerland than in Germany. Blatant contradictions wherever you look. But Merz, Söder and their ilk are getting on the bandwagon of the steam train of yesterday that is heading in the wrong direction.
A recently published study on the reading and writing skills of German adults between the ages of 18 and 64 found that a third of them have the skills of an average elementary school graduate after the fourth grade. The theory that the paramecium called AfD voters will be found in abundance here is not particularly bold. Of course, no one will bother with it. Because that is where Sigmar Gabriel described it so aptly and without consequence: "We must not retreat into the boardrooms, into the meeting rooms. Our politics sometimes seem aseptic, clinically clean, over-styled, synthetic. We must change that. We must get out into life; where it is loud, where it is bubbling, where it sometimes smells, occasionally stinks. We must go where it is exhausting. Because life only exists where it is difficult."

That was 15 years ago. The AfD did not exist.

But the realization that something has to change.

Realization without action leads to depression.

Maybe I won't be able to receive phoenix at all in two years.

Just praying is not enough.

*Kai Blasberg worked in the private media in Germany for 40 years
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