Courage. Does. Nut.

Courage. Does. Nut.

Mediocrity prevents any argument.
Klaus Hoffmann

Do you know Gerhard Löwenthal?

When the ZDF magazine was not yet called Royal, this stock conservative, who was based on the face of Loriot's grandfather Hoppenstedt, moderated a program with that name.
He was therefore the opposite of Jan Böhmermann.

By Kai Blasberg
But then you would have to name what Jan Böhmermann is.
And that's where we come to the problem.
Böhmermann is on the left. Löwenthal was on the right.
Löwenthal was in a concentration camp.
Böhmermann has recently been working investigatively.
OK. Löwenthal did that too.
Effective. Yes. Both probably.
Inconvenient: both.
Polarizer: both.
Mission conscious? You guessed it.

This could go on forever.
We would work out a lot of similarities in terms of properties.
But that would cause Böhmermann more pain than the other way around.
Löwenthal brought us leftists to Zinne.
He managed to get us to watch his shows just to get excited.
He was considered the carver of the West.
Carl Eduard von, that was his name, hosted the "Black Channel" on GDR television and spread lies.
Löwenthal mostly truths.
But extremely unpleasant ones, which for us on the left was the same as a lie.
He spoke of the GDR as an unjust regime, when most of those who voted for Willy Brandt wanted to recognize the GDR forever.
He was on the Red Army Faction's death list when current Welt publisher and former Spiegel editor-in-chief Stefan Aust sought their proximity.
By the way, a character, this Stefan Aust, should be dedicated to a book.
An investigative one.
Gerhard Löwenthal was a journalist. Who knows his craft from the ground up... .
You already know.
There was no other way back then. There was little media and high standards.
He would definitely be called a splitter today.
However: Gerhard Löwenthal was mostly right about history.
However, the reading of the topics he addressed was ahead of its time.

It is now generally accepted that the GDR provided RAF terrorists with refuges in the same territory.
When Löwenthal reported on this, the left in the West had a pulse.
But something like that.

What do I want to tell them?

This text also tells about submission. Our submission.
Under the zeitgeist, under circumstances, under leadership, under cowardice; also your own.
It is a text about missed opportunities, excuses, wrong behavior and a lack of courage.
Meanness, despondency, opportunism.

"Courage is a lack of imagination" I once heard from Silvester Stallone of all people when it came out that, despite other images, he didn't do every stunt himself.

But courage is also one thing: courage!

When they type this short, powerful word into their AI module, words like fearlessness, boldness, risk-taking, backbone, bravery, intrepidity, audacity, daring also come out.
In non-literary language: eggs. Mum.

But I know you well enough, dear readers, to know that you now expect me to ask you when you last had to call upon such characteristics in your everyday life to cope with it.

Well, fear arises concretely.
In contrast to fear. It's amorphous.
If a Pitbull-Rottweiler mix that may be rabid is standing in front of you and is barking at you, but they are not afraid, please go to the doctor.
You have a perceptual disorder or are simply tired of life.
However, if they no longer leave the house for fear of confrontation with this fantasy dog breed, then the same reaction is advisable: they are neurotic.

It is almost no longer found in the German vocabulary.
Not because there are no bold actions.
But today boldness tends to result in comic language.
Cool. Cool. Crazy. Mega. Alda.
You name it.
How does bold sound on the other hand?
When I spontaneously asked my wife, you know, the beautiful scientist, Ritter answered.
Sports? Was my counter question.
I'm feared for my money-saving jokes.
Knight in armor, it came from her. Indignant.
Well, in your everyday life, dear readers, you will rarely come across knights, and if you do, then at something like the Kaltenberg Festival, named after the brass riders, whose visitors I would then also give a doctor's visit.
But nobody asks me.
What might be bold today is to put a Green Party sticker, the one with the sunflower, on a new BMW SUV - something like that is not uncommon in the south of the republic - and then show it up at an event organized by the Baden-Württemberg Farmers' Association in the spring of 2024.

willingness to take risks.
However, we encounter them everywhere in everyday life:
Just take the daily failed plan of wanting to take the train from A to B and at the same time assume that you will be able to keep the scheduled appointments, which are usually the reasons for these actions.
Or not fill up until next week, believing that the price will remain stable.
Anyone who looks forward to the crime scene on Sunday evenings is also willing to take risks because it has guaranteed good entertainment for decades.
We are willing to take a lot of risks, admittedly involuntarily, in Germany in 2024.
However, we rarely encounter the spine.
Unloved child of the Germans.
The nation of the "what will make?" hates backbone even deep in its soul, which is named after the people.
Because backbone means attitude, character, will, perseverance.
Justification for the same included.
This is usually proven by individuals who then get on Michel's nerves in no time.
Because you would have to follow the content of the reasoning.
No: for that reason alone it hardly happens anymore.
If you have a different opinion, please explain why here.

Günther Jauch needs another MUT subsection in his annual reviews at the latest. Or is she taking off now?
Also Rudi Cerne with his XY Prize.
We assign bravery to the little man who once jumps out of his shadow and emerges from it. But also directly to the associated victims.
Victims are brave. And the media has been using this subject for a long time in a quietly drooling and inflationary manner.
Because bravery is singular and passes away, touching the viewer while at the same time guaranteeing that it will be forgotten.
Nothing is annoying here, no one is demanding here, here you can wallow in yourself and keep a bit of that bravery for yourself.
Have you already donated to the earthquake victims? These brave people.
The Ahr. Sigh.

You yourself notice that everything that has to do with courage is no longer the concern of the saturated human society.
Where, after two decades of individuality orgies and liberalization terror, everyone only has an eye on their floating skins, only those who consider particularity to be something religious will group together.
Regardless of whether they are farmers, football fans, old white men, midwives, association presidents, the long-Covids and she's who were still it yesterday:
Everyone thinks theirs is unique and can no longer even manage to fight the other.
Because that would be effort.
And Uli Hoeneß shouts his "dirty" into the area.

Society cannot be achieved with this.
And not a state either.
Even those who found the spontaneous saying that if only everyone thought of themselves would also think of everyone funny:
It's pure criticism. And it is increasingly fading away. We barely read each other anymore. We barely hear.
Because we, the elites who support society, have to do more than we do.

We'll meet here at Serdar.

He has done his job. And yet I can't help it.

But you, dear person out there. They can do more than what they do.
You are now surprised at the many people who are afraid, perhaps even afraid, of Nazis.
But alas: it quickly becomes fashionable. And is just against it.
What is that? You know that.
But it's difficult.

Have fun with it!

*Kai Blasberg worked in the private media in Germany for 40 years
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