Masturbation for Germany

Masturbation for Germany

Somewhere in Dithmarschen a new district administrator is being elected.
The Christian Democrats are stumbling through their own brainwaves.
Sometimes Hü (right-wing radical), sometimes hot (Green coalition).
The naive economics minister talks to us and himself like children.
And the Chancellor is Olaf Scholz.

By Kai Blasberg
Agenda for Germany.
It's true.
That's what the chairmen of the two former people's parties, the southpaws Merz and Söder, called it when they wanted to fight the Greens.
AfD is the name (was called?) of their program.
But that was before Christmas.
Now Merz is joining forces with the Greens.
They can hardly believe their luck.

On Twitter, formerly is done because camera crews are desperately looking for something scandalous to broadcast.
Finally, well-known Nazis meet in a villa to discuss what Nazis discuss in villas.
In this way, the urbane satisfies himself, since there are apparently and thankfully even more crazy contemporaries than himself.
And praises one's own, long-decayed positions of being as still and completely valid.
However, immigration into the EU will now be impossible. It's now called irregular.
Citizens' benefit recipients are denounced. Weren't they always lazy?
And gas-fired power plants are supposed to absorb the bad planning of the energy transition en masse.
Fuck you, climate.
Then it's better to get out on the street and at least defend the standstill.
After all, there is still the normative power of the factual.
Can't do anything.

When in Sonneberg, whose name even Thuringians hardly know, fewer than 20,000 voters voted for the disgust party's candidate, mediocre dismay in Berlin-Mitte and stupid joy in the AfD go hand in hand.

Rituals like Anne Will, who is now called Mioska, comments in the bleeding media from oversaturated institution employees, mostly without any usable content and only taking place because the soulless vessels called programs have to be filled with content, which visibly no one has any real desire to do anymore.
Thanx God, there is January 27th.

The young men from Germany play soccer as badly as the older young men from Germany, and the older, even old German men, who were already there in the 80s as the young German men of that time and all end with i, whether Rudi , Hansi, Uli, Jogi, Oli, Acki, explain to us that they soon want to solve the problems that we would never have without them.
And the ultras throw tennis balls.
Why remains her secret.
Those in the driver's seat want to keep to themselves because they know each other so well and they don't really like the idea of changing things here either.
Sometimes DFB, sometimes DFL, according to the fans wearing them, everything and recurring shit.
But then I quickly bought the current jersey.
It's the home European Championship, it has to work.

Then they celebrate their rituals in the rain because they can't let go of survival and need 60,000 police officers because the threat situation is amorphous. Afterwards everyone is drunk and sick. There is always a virus.

Lufthansa is making more profits than ever, as if there had been no thought of something new.
If the direction is wrong, then at least go full throttle.

This text is ubiquitous.
In March. In November. Year doesn't matter.

Meanwhile the sun is shining in North Frisia.
It also rained.
It was windy.
The young poodle hunts ducks.
The older one is sleeping.

Was what?

*Kai Blasberg worked in the private media in Germany for 40 years
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