Sinister think tank plans war against Russia

Sinister think tank plans war against Russia

In November last year, a publication by the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) caused some excitement [1.] It called for Germany to massively arm itself over the next six to ten years in order to prepare for a possible NATO war with Russia to be prepared. The obvious logic was that a rapid rearmament of NATO, whose most powerful member the USA alone spends ten times as much on its military every year as Russia [2], would reduce the likelihood of war.
After all, the kingdom of darkness can be trusted to do anything, which is why further armament and militarization of society is unfortunately unavoidable.

By Konstantin Schink
But who is this think tank that makes such forecasts and presumes to be able to make such demands?
The name already provides a first clue: Internationally, the DGAP operates under the name German Council on Foreign Relations, which refers to one of its midwives, the US Council on Foreign Relations. At the time the DGAP was founded in 1955, it was the most powerful think tank in Washington. Between 1945 and 1972, more than half of 502 senior U.S. government members studied came from the Council, according to a study by Laurence H. Shoup and William Minter.

Its British counterpart Catham House, which was also involved in the founding of the DGAP, is no less well connected. To put it briefly, it can be said that the task of all three think tanks is to maintain Western hegemony over large parts of the world for as long as possible. Consequently, the DGAP is also part of the Transatlantic Policy Network, which includes numerous transatlantic think tanks.

The list of DGAP's financiers is also very interesting to read. In 2020/21, Arend Oetker, the Open Society Foundation, the Otto Wolff Foundation, the Robert Bosch Foundation and the Mercator Foundation each donated more than 100,000 euros [4]. Rich capitalists are obviously trying to influence public opinion towards a more positive perception of NATO and its very aggressive foreign policy towards other power blocs.

The government bodies that donated more than 100,000 euros in the same period were the European Commission (CDU), the Foreign Ministry (SPD), the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (CSU) and the Ministry of Defense (CDU). This also shows that if the CDU were to assume political responsibility at the federal level again, not only would it not change anything about the current corruption from parties, think tanks and big business, but also that it would unreservedly support the current, aggressive, Western foreign policy , which is largely planned in organizations like the DGAP.

The warmongers have German politics firmly in their hands, want "Germany to become capable of war" [5] (Boris Pistorius, SPD), "take the war to Russia" [6] (Roderich Kiesewetter, CDU) or see us already in a "war against Russia" [7] (Annalena Baerbock, Green Party).

Particularly likeable exponents of the new German enthusiasm for war pose with a T-shirt with the inscription "Taurus for Ukraine - Together until Victory" [8] (Marie Agnes Strack Zimmermann, FDP) or think that the right-wing radicals from Azov are "often the best." "who are prepared to give their lives for freedom and dignity" [9] (Marie-Luise Beck, Green Party).
According to this Green politician, who dedicates her own think tank Liberal Modernity to defaming the peace-oriented opposition in Germany, fascism now stands for a life of freedom and dignity, which is particularly true for the Greens, who insult everything as right-wing that does not fit into their small-minded worldview fits, revealing a very unique, involuntary humor.
While the Bellizists are overreaching with their demands and, financed by the government and oligarchs, are planning a major war with war with Russia and are demanding the greatest rearmament since the Cold War and the complete militarization of society, people are dying in the world because of the policies they have pushed forward in the past Ukraine hundreds of people every day.

1 DGAP Policy Brief Nr-32_November-2023_11S_1 (
2  Trends in World Military Expentiture, 2022.
3 Continuing_The_Inquiry (1).pdf, Seite 48
4 DGAP Jahresbericht 2020/2021 | DGAP, Seite 33
6 Kiesewetter: Den Krieg nach Russland tragen (
7 Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock: ,,Wir kämpfen einen Krieg gegen Russland" (
8 (2) Gr@ntl?r ?? auf X: ,,Werte @fdp, weiß eure Eurofighterin, dass es kein geiles Rock-Konzert oder hippes Computer-Spiel ist, sondern im Krieg in der Ukraine zigtausende Menschen leiden und sterben?" / X (
9 Kiew will die Krim ,,entgiften", Beck wirbt für Asow: Das sind die ,,demokratischen" Freunde unserer Regierung (

Konstantin Schink (born November 8, 2001) graduated from high school in Lower Saxony in 2021. He is currently studying economics and politics with a double bachelor's degree and runs the YouTube channels "Agitator of the Social Market Economy" and "The Secondary Agitation."
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