Even with this headline, some people will notice how angry they are. Yes, that is exactly what is called anti-Semitism! And every sentence that begins with "but" in this context is nothing more than a disingenuous attempt to cover it up. While just a few months ago, a large part of the German left was raving about the right to self-defense and Putin's "brutal war of aggression." on Ukraine - incidentally a country in which many Jews live - with the demand for the supply of increasingly heavy weapons up to the use of nuclear weapons, the tide has now turned to the opposite and people are calling for pity for terrorists, women molesters and child murderers Through the devious and cowardly attack by Hamas on October 7, 2023, they drove their own people to ruin and their demands for peace into the utopian.

By Serdar Somuncu
The violence of October 7, 2023

Shortly after 6:30 a.m. local time, the wailing of sirens woke people in southern and central Israel from their sleep. But looking at the phone was irritating. Most Israelis have one of the rocket warning apps installed, and the Israeli media always immediately reports attacks as breaking news. But that morning the phones were silent, no warning or breaking news. It later became clear that Hamas had systematically destroyed the warning systems. Hardly anyone knew that at the time. Anyone who didn't have their own shelter in the apartment took refuge in the hallway or basement and met neighbors there who joked: "Maybe a soldier dozed off and hit the alarm button with his head!"
By the second alarm, about 20 minutes later, the laughter had stopped. The first videos that announced the horror of that day spread across social media. About 3,000 Palestinian terrorists, mostly from the terrorist organization Hamas, entered Israel from the Gaza Strip. They had blown up the six-meter-high border fence in almost 30 places. The news situation was still completely unclear, but it was clear: With the incursion of the terrorists, Israel's nightmare had come true.
Israel, founded as a promise of security for Jewish life, was unable to fulfill its mission that day. Propaganda videos from the terrorists, recordings and statements from survivors document the atrocities of that day. The terrorists attacked the Israeli military bases (which, among other things, are responsible for alerting the civilian population and were unable to do so due to the raids), they attacked the kibbutzim right on the border with Gaza, they committed a massacre at the "Nova" music festival , which took place in an open field between two kibbutzim.

The terrorists killed anyone they could, raped women, desecrated corpses or dying people and, according to witnesses, committed other atrocities. People were burned in cars and could later only be identified using bone remains. Similar scenes took place on the kibbutzim: children had to watch their parents being executed. Parents about how their children were violated.
More than 1,200 people were killed on October 7th
The terrorists held several towns and surrounding streets under control for hours. This is one of the reasons why it took until the evening before the dimensions of the attack became clear, including the mass hostage-taking. In the attack, which was planned for months, the terrorists abducted more than 240 people to Gaza. At least 1,200 people were killed that day. That is more than during the entire second intifada, the multi-year phase of Palestinian terrorist attacks in the early 2000s. The Hamas atrocities of October 7 represent the worst attack on Jewish life since the Holocaust.
The Hamas attack was followed by the worst war in Gaza since the Israeli-Palestinian conflict began. The goals: Hamas should be destroyed and the hostages freed. For Hamas, the hostages are a kind of life insurance and bargaining chip. In mid-November, Israel and the terrorist group reached an agreement for the first time - just over 100 Israeli hostages were released, exclusively women and children. Israel released 240 Palestinian inmates from Israeli prisons, also only women and children - or in this case teenagers. Relative to Israel's population, the Hamas attack is considered one of the world's deadliest terrorist attacks in modern history."

(Source: Fluter October 2023)

What should this peace look like? By allowing Hamas, together with Hezbollah, to blatantly continue to demand the destruction of Israel? By firing rockets at civilian targets in Israel every few weeks or occasionally carrying out a massacre, which for many who now cynically speak of genocide seems to be just a footnote in this conflict. Peace means, above all, standing up to the stubbornness of Hamas and ending the war as quickly as possible. And that means, among other things, releasing the Israeli hostages immediately and without any further conditions or delays. But strangely enough, the pro-Palestinian demonstrators are not demanding that either. Instead, they continue to blame Israel alone and cite examples of children's bodies being shot up and women being raped, the rubble of hospitals and the desperate cries for help from Palestinians for their rejection of Israel's settlement policy in the occupied territories and make hypocritical appeals for humanity and peace. As long as the roles in this conflict are assigned, equal will be rewarded with unequal, and it will be relativized and stylized into a fight against an invisible evil power that essentially calls itself a Jew. The distorted images and narratives that are used are ancient and they are not chosen at random, but are consciously used, reproduced and spread by spokesmen and opinion makers. People are now talking about genocide and apartheid both on social media and in the press and the public, even though these terms would in no way be applicable if one were to get to the bottom of them.

"The terms "genocide" or "genocide" are often mistakenly used as synonyms for "mass murder" or are equated with particularly serious war crimes. However, the precise legal definition is clearly different.
Criminal law professor Stefanie Bock explains: "From a legal perspective, genocide is the killing of a member of a protected group with the intention of exterminating the group as such.
The term "genocide" was coined in 1944 by the Polish-Jewish lawyer Raphael Lemkin. For the United Nations, Lemkin developed the "Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide" or the UN Genocide Convention. It is one of the oldest UN human rights treaties.
Lemkin created the word "genocide" from the ancient Greek "génos" (the tribe, origin or people) and the Latin "caedere" (to kill, murder, massacre). In doing so, he not only coined a completely new legal term , but triggered a revolution in international criminal law. It is no coincidence that the convention was adopted as a resolution in December 1948 as a reaction to the atrocities of the National Socialists, to which Lemkin was a witness become internationally traceable."

(Source: Deutschlandfunk)

"Apartheid" was the name given to the political system of racial segregation in South Africa in the second half of the 20th century. The country's people were divided into eight different groups or "races" depending on their skin color. Although the vast majority of people were black , only the whites had the political say. They also owned the large businesses, the banks and the best land for agriculture. Black South Africans who didn't want to put up with it were persecuted and imprisoned and repeatedly demanded equal rights in their country.

(Source: Federal Agency for Civic Education)

Genocide is the systematic destruction of a faith or ethnic group based on an ideological agenda. Apartheid is the separation of "races" based on social class or ethnic origin. Neither of these is the case in Gaza. What is happening there is the Israeli government's cruel, but nevertheless to be expected, reaction to years of tolerated terror by Hamas and the Hezbollah and the support of the terrorist regime in Tehran and other Arab states. Anyone who reduces this centuries-old conflict to a struggle for freedom by a minority oppressed by the Israelis is consciously distorting history that has nothing to do with the true background of it To do this, one would have to theoretically go back to the origins in the Roman Empire and the escalation caused by the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and certainly also address the issue of imperialism by the colonial powers, which sometimes supported one side and then again the other knowingly fomented this conflict. All that remains and is certain is that the people of Israel have lived in constant fear of suicide bombings and rocket attacks since the founding of their state, and no distinction is made. Because not only Jews live in Israel, but also Palestinians. In addition, these people are already traumatized and, as survivors of a Holocaust, know what it means to be persecuted and destroyed because of a fanatical ideology.

"The hostility towards the Jews and the will to destroy Israel characterize numerous Islamist discourses. This is by no means a new phenomenon. What is new, however, is the critical attention paid to such positions by the Western public.

"Hamas" stands for "zeal" or "commitment" in the Arabic language. At the same time, it is an abbreviation for "Harakat al-muqawama al-islamiya" ("Movement of Islamic Resistance"). The organization's emblem shows, among other things, a map of today's Israel with the Gaza Strip and West Bank, which is completely claimed for the future Palestine. This already articulates a basic political position of the organization, which appeared publicly for the first time in 1987 under its current name as the Palestinian branch of the "Muslim Brotherhood". Initially it was limited to social work and religious propaganda. Only after the first Intifada did "Hamas" resort to violence, which was also reflected in numerous suicide attacks. In the 2006 elections, the party received an absolute majority of seats in the Palestinian Legislative Council.

Hamas postulates that "the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf land for the generation of Muslims until the Day of Resurrection." This means that Palestine is a kind of pious foundation, an Islamic country. In this perspective, the region is wholly owned by Muslims as a result of divine design. For "Hamas" this also means: "Neither it or a part of it may be given up, nor may it or a part of it be renounced..." (1st Charter 1988 p. 212, Article 11). Neither organizations, rulers nor states are entitled to do this. Any deviation from this basic principle is interpreted as a violation of God's will. Ultimately, this also means that Israel's right to exist can never be recognized because, from this point of view, it goes against the interpretation of Islam in this regard. The daily political consequence of this view is the rejection of any peace solutions and negotiations.

The picture of Israel and Palestine described not only requires a rejection of peace talks, but also the basic position to destroy the state of Israel. This is already indicated in the charter when it outlines its exclusive self-image: "The Islamic Resistance Movement is a unique Palestinian movement that gives its allegiance to God, takes Islam as its way of life and works to raise God's banner on every foot of Palestine. ." (p. 210, article 6). In the context of these views, the text also repeatedly calls for a "jihad," which refers to a call for violent struggle. For example, it says: "Patriotism, from the perspective of the Islamic Resistance Movement, is a part of religious faith, and there is nothing more extensive and profound in terms of patriotism than when, after the enemy has set foot on the land of the Muslims, to wage jihad against him" (p. 213, article 12).

The aforementioned views and quoted passages are by no means merely anti-Zionist against Israel. They are also anti-Semitic against the Jews. The choice of words can be seen as a first indication of this, as the text does not name the enemy actors as "Israelis" and only rarely as "Zionists". The predominant word is "Jew" for the respective enemy. In addition, it says at one point: "Israel, with its Jewish character and its Jews, is a challenge to Islam and Muslims" (p. 222, article 28). Direct calls for the use of violence in the text also reveal their anti-Semitic character: "The Messenger of God... says: 'The hour (of resurrection) will not come until the Muslims fight against the Jews. The Muslims will kill them until the Jew hides behind stone and tree, and stone and tree then say: Muslim, O servant of God! There is a Jew behind me, except the Gharqad tree, for he is a tree of the Jews" (p. 211, Article 7).

The view that the Hamas charter is an anti-Semitic text is reinforced by the conspiracy ideas it contains. Hamas blames the alleged conspiratorial work of Jews for many negative developments: "They strive to accumulate violent and powerful material wealth and use it to realize their dream. In this way, they gain control over the international media through the wealth. .. Through wealth, they triggered revolutions in different parts of the world to realize their interests and make profits. They were behind the French revolution, the communist revolutionen and most of the revolutions here and there that we have heard and hear about" (p. 218, article 22). The claims quoted come from the agitation arsenal of European anti-Semitism, as there was already talk of a "Jewish-Masonic conspiracy" before the National Socialists " spoken.

The views in the charter are reminiscent of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion," an anti-Semitic forgery that claims the existence of a global Jewish conspiracy. Hamas even clearly refers to this writing: "The Zionist project is limitless, and in Palestine they seek to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. When they have completely devoured the area to which they have advanced, they seek to do so further expansion, and so on. Their plan is written in the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion,' and their present actions are the best evidence of what we say" (p. 224, article 33). Hamas therefore not only assumes that a Jewish conspiracy has existed for centuries, it also openly refers to what is probably the most important anti-Semitic inflammatory pamphlet of the 20th century. Although it was known since the beginning of the 1920s that it was a forgery, the "Protocols" continued to be distributed after 1945, especially in the Arab world.

The first charter or the founding charter of Hamas from 1988 triggered understandable criticism due to the content mentioned, as it openly advocated Israel's violent destruction. Some Israeli embassies even posted the charter text on their homepage to document Hamas' anti-Semitic orientation. The resulting loss of reputation in combination with internal conflicts led to a new version in 2017 (see Hamas in 2017: The document in full, in: www.middleeasteye.net). This second charter also received wider media response in the West. However, their meaning compared to the first charter remained unclear. The Hamas leadership did not say whether it was an addition or a replacement. There was also no direct distancing from the statements in the first charter, nor was there any critical discussion of its content. What was striking about the second charter was that it contained 42 very short articles, and that the wording contained therein was more moderate in terms of content.

If you compare the old and new charter, you can still see some changes in content: Hamas no longer referred to the Muslim Brotherhood, which Islamists consider to be the political "mother organization." The aim was to establish a sovereign and independent Palestinian state in which Borders from 1967 with the capital Jerusalem were no longer identified or identified; the Israeli occupation and not the Jewish religion were generally rejected. But how appropriate was and is Such an interpretation in view of the organization's actions? Did commonalities or strategic motives dominate the second charter? Answers to these questions are provided by reading the text, whereby the attitude towards the existence of Israel is also central even before 2023, that Hamas' statements do not correspond to its actions.

If one reads the articles of the entire Charter, continuities can certainly be identified on important issues. It says: "The Zionist project is a racist, aggressive and separatist project... And the Israeli state is the tool of this project and its foundation" (Article 14). The statement refers to Israel, regardless of the question of Borders of 1967 or the settlement projects. It is about a fundamental delegitimation of the state. Accordingly, the founding of "Israel" is considered illegal, which is also intended to illustrate to the readers (cf. Article 18). And you can read: "Hamas rejects any alternative to a complete and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea" (Article 20). This is a clear statement directed against the existence of the Israeli state. It should be in favor of of a sovereign Palestine no longer exists, which is difficult to imagine without a war of annihilation. "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free" (or the short form: "From the River to the Sea") is also evident in demonstrations in Europe ") a slogan that is often shouted and shown.

The new charter does not say anything about the exact action. But it says: "Resistance and jihad for the liberation of Palestine remains a legitimate right..." (Article 23), which also means corresponding violenceactions as concrete practice. All courses of action correspond to legitimate rights, including "armed resistance" (cf. Article 25). Here we are talking about liberation, including resistance. Both terms have positive connotations. They also stand for the use of force - without limits. The Charter does not impose any restrictions, all actions in this sense would therefore be possible. In this respect, there are no fundamental differences between the old and new charter. Only the wording shows certain differences with regard to the important question of how Hamas can The Israeli state's right to exist means that no moderation can be stated. The well-known demand "from the river to the sea" alone requires a corresponding violent intention to destroy.

Other statements in the new charter can hardly reject this impression, because the components of our own understanding of politics that are mentioned do not correspond to reality. There are also statements about the "Palestinian political system", which should be based on "pluralism, democracy, national partnership, acceptance of others and the willingness to dialogue" (Article 28). The aim is to align Palestinian institutions with "democratic principles," in particular "free and fair elections" (Article 20). However, the question arises as to why Hamas has not held elections for years. The question also arises as to why Hamas rule does not allow pluralism in Gaza. You can tell from the direction in the new charter that it is supposed to be about political recognition and public impact. The formal moderation in the text therefore had a clear goal: it was not about ideological change, but about strategic deception. The Hamas massacres in October 2023 made this clear to the whole world.

(Source: Federal Agency for Civic Education)

So while the newer movement of supporters accepts Hamas's clear anti-Semitic mission under the guise of legitimate criticism of Israel, the current resistance to Israel's illegal land grab shows astonishing parallels to Hamas' goals. The fact that a lot of things are now being lumped together, even compared and relativized, is not just a conscious denial of the facts. It is a transparent attempt by an intellectual, predominantly Islamic, migrant and left-wing elite of the second and third World War generations and their Western advocates, which feeds on their latent feeling of inferiority and the eternal German longing for closure and acquittal, coupled with an almost paranoid idea to want to be on an equal footing with the influences of covertly operating Jewish powers by showing solidarity with the alleged victims and thus stylizing the Palestinians' struggle for freedom into an uprising against a Jewish satanic power, which, supported by allied elites and their intimidated leadership, holds the scepter of world events in the Hand holds and is allowed to commit injustice with impunity.

From there it's not far to the National Socialists' ideological madness for destruction

"The Jew is only united when a common prey entices him or a danger compels him to do so. But if both reasons disappear, the characteristics of the most blatant egoism come to light and the united people in the blink of an eye turns into a bloodily fighting gang of rats."

(Source: Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf")

This is not only half of the frightening truth, but it is simply a consciously placed and malicious lie, which, in addition to its glaring inconsistency, also has the aim of destroying the Jewish people and thus pursues the same intentions as them Nazis of his time and today. But not only history, but also the immediate and immediate present of anti-Semitism is full of contradictions and paradoxical connections.

Two international terrorist attacks in the 1970s in particular influenced the liberation of the "Landshut" in Mogadishu. On the one hand, the hostage-taking at the Olympic Games in Munich in 1972 changed the way Germany dealt with international terrorism. Both the origin of the Palestinian attackers and their escape underlined the new international threat to the internal security of the Federal Republic, which at the same time challenged the state's global reputation. On September 5, 1972, the Palestinian terrorist group "Black September" broke into the team quarters during the Olympic Games in Munich, murdered two Israeli athletes and took nine people hostage to free 232 Palestinians, a Japanese terrorist and RAF members Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof. As it later turned out, they were also supported by German neo-Nazis. The German police's amateurish liberation operation resulted in the death of all the hostages. The surviving perpetrators, however, were released because they were transferred to Libya in exchange for the hijacked Lufthansa plane "Kiel", where they were able to go into hiding as heroes.
The liberation of the "Landshut" was primarily linked to the hijacking of the plane to Entebbe in 1976. This became a symbol of international terrorism. Here, two West German terrorists from the revolutionary cells, Wilfried Böse and Brigitte Kuhlmann, met with comrades from the "Popular Front". "Liberation of Palestine" hijacked an Air France plane. They forced the plane with 248 passengers to land in Entebbe, Uganda, where the local dictator Idi Amin welcomed the terrorists with a hug and promised support. The fact that as a result of the hostage-taking the hostages were divided into an Israeli and a non-Israeli (in other sources: Jewish and non-Jewish) group in order to free 53 terrorists from prisons in different countries (including six Germans from the RAF) underlined both the international as well as the anti-Semitic dimension of left-wing terrorists. Although Uganda's dictator Adi Amin glorified Hitler and hated Jews, Israel's government cooperated with Amin to free the hostages there.
The liberation operation by Israeli special forces proved to be groundbreaking for the storming of the "Landshut". During the liberation, all of the kidnappers were killed, while only three of the hundred hostages died. The federal government was not privy to this rescue operation and was actually deceived the request to prepare the requested release of the prisoners; but the commander of GSG 9 also traveled to Entebbe and was able to gain direct experience years before in Israel for "further training" with the special troops there. The success reinforced Schmidt's policy of not negotiating in appropriate situations.
Such exemptions were not without controversy. The GDR government, for example, condemned the liberation as an "Israeli attack on Uganda" and a "criminal attack on Tel Aviv" and prevented its citizens from dividing the hostages according to Jewish affiliation. The Secretary General of the United Nations, Kurt Waldheim, and the Organization of African Unity also saw this as a breach of international law and a threat to international peace and security. This underscored how even the taking of Jews hostages was viewed through the lens of the Cold War.

(Source Federal Agency for Civic Education)

Apart from that, there are other aspects that are conspicuously recurring in this discussion and raise questions that are rarely discussed. At least not with the same vehemence with which people scream for justice and revenge on the streets. What about women's rights in Iran, with which people indirectly show solidarity? What about the wars waged against Iraq and Libya, which were also about defending Western values? Where were the outcries of those who are now talking about the slaughter of children and massacres of the civilian population when ISIS systematically exterminated and destroyed an entire Yazidi people in northern Iraq? And in a beastly way! And not to defend their territory, but solely for fanatical religious reasons and hatred of people. Images of beheadings and burnings, stonings and medieval punishments traveled around the world, but no one obviously filed them away as variants of Islam that are also supported and propagated by Hamas and Hezbollah. In return, there is no example of Jewish-motivated religious wars, just as to this day no mosque in the world has to be protected by the police, while synagogues all over the world are under police protection because they are attacked and threatened by fanatical Jew-haters. This shame is an accepted reality because it is supported by a misguided idea of tolerance towards radical offshoots of religious groups that no longer allows for differentiation. The political DNA of the Palestinian resistance is not the fight for democracy and freedom, but rather the claim to religious sovereignty in a society in which the Koran reigns supreme. The people who take to the streets and shout absurdly senseless slogans like "From the River to the Sea!" and "Free Palestine from German Guilt!" don't know this. or chant "Queers for Palastine"? Are they not aware that in doing so they are counteracting the foundations of their rights to life and courting the gravediggers of their free life in order to confirm themselves in the role of the persecuted?
It is easy to pretend to care about the poor and oppressed from the comfort of the wealthier West without asking why these people are in the predicament that leaves them victimized. Because the truth is: it is their own governments that are letting them go to the dogs. It is their own politicians who have been rejecting compromises for years and making decisions from a distance whose consequences they do not have to bear. It's not for nothing that Hamas leaders live in Qatar or Dubai instead of sharing an apartment in Gaza City. It is certainly not just Israel's reactive cruelty, but above all the lack of solidarity and care of Arab co-religionists and ideological foster fathers that is driving them to the brink of ruin. While Israel, for example, delivered aid to Gaza for many years, Egypt and its neighboring Arab cities did not allow deliveries to Gaza. While Egypt is closing the border to Rafah, Israel is repeatedly opening refugee corridors in all directions to give people the opportunity to flee the bombing raids in good time. And as cynical as it may sound, Israel is at least warning the population about bombing attacks while Hamas fires thousands of rockets into Israel unannounced.

My concern is not with justifying these attacks, but rather with separating cause and effect. And one thing must be clear and indisputable: the attack on October 7, 2023 was the cause and beginning of this crisis and if Hamas had not fired over 3,000 rockets into Israel in one day and slaughtered and massacred thousands of innocent people on the same day, then this conflict would not have escalated and, above all, it would not have continued with this dimension and force. It was only through this cowardly and underhanded attack that the situation became what it is. And the fact that this is constantly being swept under the table, especially by those who are now acting as if they have been in solidarity with the Palestinians for years, is a hypocrisy that cannot be surpassed.
The fact that this also opens the door to anti-Semitism, which is already at least latent in the migrant-Muslim population, but also seems to be largely at home in the left-wing intellectual scene, is a frightening sign of a development for those who have been fighting for years to confront this virus and at the same time a bitter setback for everyone who is fighting to preserve the memory of the Shoahh to keep alive. Anti-Semitism in its most heinous form is not only possible again in Germany with impunity, it is even applauded and admired as courage, and anyone who dares to protect Israel is making common cause with Jews and is being controlled by the international lobby of dark Zionists.

Also the obviously elderly Dieter Hallervorden, who delirious in a smear piece about peace written by the old communist Dieter Dehm and dripping with anti-Semitic kitsch, and seemingly amateurishly parodying Shakespeare's blueprint of disempowered potentates from Prospero to Lear in front of a screen, pathetically to images from Gaza and the Bundestag dances and reproduces outrageous nonsense into embarrassingly anti-Jewish poetic kitsch, seems to visibly enjoy the success of the unspeakable. Instead, perhaps he should have given the Jew Shylock from Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice", to whom the Doge offers a piece of meat from the body of the merchant Antonio as compensation for his lost profits. Then it would be clear that this not even subtle way of Representation serves a centuries-old tradition of hatred of Jews.

While Hallervorden is reciting his lines, video sequences from Hamas or the Arabic broadcaster "Al-Jazeera" can be seen in the background, showing the suffering of the Palestinians. He repeatedly turns to the screen in the video.
In the video, Hallervorden accuses all German parties of being in cahoots with Israel, for example when he says: "They pledge allegiance to apartheid, from traffic lights to AfD." He also criticizes arms deliveries to Israel.
Hallervorden wrote the poem, which is accompanied by music, together with the left-wing politician Diether Dehm. He also distributed the video on his channels.
The President of the German-Israeli Society, Volker Beck, said of the poem: "If you are looking for an example of guilt-defense anti-Semitism in the context of perpetrator-victim reversal in the Middle East conflict, Hallervorden's work is a picture-perfect example."

(Source Israelnetz)

It is no longer a problem to say things that would have been recognized as sedition just a few years ago.

"In Germany, there are 18 variants of antisemitism! They are mutating faster than the coronavirus. (Gelächter) Not really, its amazing, because you can't say anything about Israel without triggering some form of antisemitism; it's like talking to women about their bodies; you just can't make it right. (Gelächter) Its just not possible; I do take it seriously; just dont get me wrong. Antisemitism is a really serious thing. Just because there is a racist, fascist government in Israel, it does not mean (unterbrochen durch heftigen Jubel) that you are allowed to hate Jews. You're not allowed to hate Jews. Thats not what we do; thats not who we are, ok? Especially in Germany, because here are Jews who oppose the government of Israel. There here. And you know what they called it in Germany? Antisemites. (Gelächter) Thats German Humor! (Applaus)" for example, the German-Turkish comedian Kaya Yanar explains to an astonished giggling audience to explain why he is now avoiding Germany and moving to Switzerland. The invisible Jew forbids him to make jokes about Jews? And what jokes did he want to make that he wasn't allowed to make? Or maybe it was just the kind of banalizing "German-Turk" cliche humor and the increasing lack of success that came with it? has given up. But that would be too self-critical. And even Minister of State for Culture Claudia Roth, whom he uses as an example of German submissiveness, is accused of having caved in under pressure from the "Jewish lobby" when she initially applauded a contribution critical of Israel at this year's Berlinale, only to later and only under pressure from the public and intimidated to repent. That means: It is pointless not to be against Israel. Therefore, a rational insight into anti-Semitism seems to be entirely out of the question.

Kaya Yanar, who, like Hallervorden, is now also celebrated by the right-wing community as a folk hero for his courage and, after years of lack of success, seems to have found a suitable playing field for his mediocrity and hitherto always apolitical stance, is so intoxicated by himself as a freedom fighter that he even indulges in questionable statements that make his claim appear more than thin on the ground. He breaks down in tears in the leather armchair of the expensive luxury hotel in Hamburg when, in an interview with Tahir Chaudhry, accompanied by cheesy piano music in the background, he talks about the suffering of the children in Gaza, whose chopped-off limbs and sad eyes haunt him in his sleep. Where were those tears on October 7th? It doesn't seem very credible and certainly not well-founded. It sounds more like a reproduction of the horrific images from the Ostara pamphlets of Georg Lanz von Liebenfels from the beginning of the last century, in which the image of the cannibalistic Jewish devil was always used to give Jew-hatred a home.
Just a few years ago, I dubbed a French comedy about suicide bombers together with Yanar, which was on a completely different side in terms of content and politics. Back then, there was no sign of his empathy for anyone. Especially since the new image of the awakened pro-Palestine activist is written and sponsored by the texts and thoroughly anti-Semitic views of the artist group "Grenzgänger", whose head Tahir Chaudhry previously worked as a writer for various newspapers and magazines, and now sells succinct psycho-interviews on YouTube in a sweet whisper as sensitive education against xenophobia and intolerance.
But if you take a look at the posts published on his Instagram channel, a completely different tone emerges. Chaudhry is always mysteriously and knowingly entangled in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, repeatedly crossing the line into covert Holocaust relativization.
Chaudhry's colleague and second part of the border crossers, Tariq Hübsch, is married to the Ahmadiyya activist Maryam Hübsch, who in turn is the daughter of the German dropout Hadayatullah Hübsch, alias Paul Gerhard Hübsch. Maryam Hübsch is regarded as the "public face of Muslim women in Germany" (ARD Morgenmagazin) and is a regular guest on talk shows when Islam is the topic. She also sits on the supervisory board of the Hessian Broadcasting Council.

Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat (full Arabic name, DMG al-Gamaa al-Islamiyya al-Ahmadiyya, the Islamic Ahmadiyya Community), AMJ for short, is a religious community that emerged from the Ahmadiyya movement, which originated in India and focuses on the Islam and Mirza Ghulam Ahmad called. It is led by a spiritual leader called a caliph. In Germany it (as the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Deutschland KdöR) claims to have around 40,000 members and runs 50 mosques.
(Source Wikipedia)

The Ahmadiyya sees the caliphate, i.e. the rule of a wise and just caliph who consistently implements God's commandments (the Sharia), as the desirable ideal of an Islamic state. Their vision is to impose the rule of Islam - worldwide - under the leadership of one of their future caliphs.

When it comes to human rights and democracy, the Ahmadiyya represents positions that, when measured against critical intra-Muslim discourses on these issues, are ultra-orthodox and even fundamentalist. [...] Ahmadiyya emphasizes the equality of the sexes before God, but at the same time it establishes from the Koran and Sunnah a rigid morality of women's obedience to men and gender separation. [...] The woman owes the man obedience at all times, including in sexual matters. If she does not fulfill her duties, the man generally has the right to punish her according to Sura 4:34 [...].
The Ahmadiyya observes strict gender separation and positions itself firmly against Western society, which is portrayed as sex-obsessed and corrupt [...]. She supports withdrawing girls from swimming, sports and sex education lessons. The Ahmadiyya observes strict endogamy: Ahmadis are only allowed to marry women from their own community. Marrying a non-Ahmadi results in expulsion from the community. Marriages are arranged and girls are raised in the Muslim culture of obedience from an early age. The headscarf is considered a compulsory clothing requirement [...].
The "jihad" [...] is interpreted by the Ahmadiyya, based on spiritualistic (Sufist) traditions, primarily as an "effort", "effort in the way" of God. This is how a distinction is made between the "small jihad". " as the right to self-defense and the "Great Jihad" as a moral and spiritual effort to combat one's own imperfections and passions. The attempt is to give the impression that "jihad" is to be understood primarily in a spiritual way and, secondly, if so associated with "fight", exclusively defensive, to be understood as a defense of Islam [...].
Conclusion: Ahmadiyya is religiously fundamentalist. Elements of their teaching, their positions on human rights (especially women's rights), secular state, pluralistic democracy, separation of church and state, freedom of religion as well as their authoritarian internal organization are likely to raise doubts about their "abidance to the law".

(from: J. Kandel, The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, in: EZW-Materialdienst 69, 2006, 292-302).

Behind this ominous click of Islamic sectarians, which once included the blogger Feroz Khan, who now seems to have found similar instinctual compensation in a delusional mission of his almost obsessive affinity for the AfD, there is an authoritarian claim to power and a patriarchal worldview, which is not uncommon also has anti-Semitic traits.

Let's take a look at the book "The New World Order of Islam" (German edition 2018), which you could read in full on the website (could you? The content was deleted from the site on September 19th, more on that below): ahmadiyya.de, the English edition can be viewed on the English-language site: alislam.org
The book was available to read in full on the website (and was also published) and one could make sure that the quotes were not taken out of context. At the same time, one can see that it was not a careful interpretation of a Jewish text. There is no connection that makes it seem plausible that the quoted passages are value-free. The book, as mentioned above, was recently translated but comes from the second spiritual leader of the group, called Khalif. This may make it difficult to openly discuss the content within the group. If they clearly reflect the zeitgeist of 1942 (in which the work was written), a contemporary translator would have at least stumbled upon the sections.
The system that the Jews support is purely racial. It has no universal element whatsoever. For example, Judaism teaches that the descendants of Israel alone are God's chosen people and that the rest of humanity was created to serve them. If followers of this religion in theworld, then a rise rather than a decline in tyranny is certain.
The New World Order of Islam, page 85
The reason for this is that Judaism is a race-specific faith that allows things in the case of non-Jews that are not approved in the case of Jews. If this belief prevails in the world, it is obvious that it will impose taxes on non-Jews and distribute the profits thereof among the Jews.
The New World Order of Islam, page 86
The rest of humanity can be kept in slavery forever, Judaism has no problem with that. Judaism continues to demand an extremely harsh approach when it comes to opposing nations. (Quote 5. B.M. 20:10-15 follows)
The New World Order of Islam, page 86
This is the social and economic system of Judaism. If Judaism had supremacy, every non-Jewish male would die by the sword and their women and children would be enslaved. Not only Christian men, women and children who inhabit the land of Canaan today, but also horses, dogs, cats, snakes and lizards in the land would have to be exterminated, because the commandment is to kill everything that breathes. Under this system the Jews may prosper, but other nations would be completely destroyed.
The New World Order of Islam, page 87

(Source Sprachkasse.de)

Just like the examples mentioned, there are also questionable cross-fronts elsewhere in the common portrayal of the enemy image of the sinister power of the Jews, which is supposedly covered by an Islamophobic, Western community that is under the thumb of Judaism. Prominent ex-comedians, influencers and self-proclaimed people - optionally also women and miscellaneous rights activists, whose credibility is as real as the operated nose on their face - also like to sell themselves as representatives of a responsible minority. It's a mixture of self-obsession, desperate need for recognition and stupidity that regularly sends acid down your throat. Coupled with a not insignificant reach among their peers, this creates an ideal bed for conspiracy theories and pseudo-libertarian nonsense, which usually leads to the realization that we in Germany are either controlled by invisible powers, i.e. Jews, Rothschild, banks, finance capital, blah blah blah, or by right-wing Nazi syndicates to be threatened. Above all, the image of the insatiable and bloodthirsty Jew serves as an excuse for one's own twisted views. This makes it no different from what has served as the basis for the extermination of the Jewish people for centuries.

The fact that these advocates of solidarity and freedom have nothing to do with what they currently vehemently identify with can be seen at the latest when they see that the guiding principles and beliefs they express are only valid as long as they receive sufficient attention. Because the very next conflict can steer them onto a different path and then everyone who expected help from their encouragement will be back where they were before, namely on the fringes of society, in the middle of an illustrious crowd of loudspeakers laden with inferiority complexes, who often don't know what they are for, but always claim to stand for something that you don't know where it will lead.

All in all, it leaves a rather bad aftertaste when we are painfully reminded again these days that hatred of Jews seems to have been reactivated and rekindled to a frightening extent in the midst of our seemingly so enlightened society. The conflict over Gaza has long been a mere mundane cause and its direction and impact has much less to do with what Israel's critics actually want to achieve with their propaganda. They are neither concerned about human rights nor fight for justice. They are just looking for a reason for their already existing resentments, which they can act out on their stereotypical enemy images. To do this, any means of demagoguery is acceptable to them and any undifferentiated debate is welcome. It is not even clear why Jews and Israel are actually equated. Because Jews are actually also Germans, Turks, Palestinians, Israelis, Iranians or Afghans. They are all "human beings," as concentration camp survivor Margot Friedländer puts it wonderfully simply when she urges us all to be sensible.

©Serdar Somuncu
Current program "Seelenheil" now downloadable in Shop
*Serdar Somuncu is an actor and director
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