Whoever can conquer the streets will one day conquer the state

Whoever can conquer the streets will one day conquer the state

The AfD's successes show that we need a new political force in Germany that not only recognizes people's needs, but also acts consistently. Illegal migration, immigration into the social systems, patriarchal structures in migrant families, these are all issues that our federal government does not want to take up because it has lost itself in its regulatory and gender madness.

By Serdar Somuncu
Ciao Kakao. The AfD is the only party that is fighting against the power of the cartels and does not mince its words. In times of degenerate democracy, we need these forces that stand up for the interests of their nation in the name of the German people. Germany can no longer be a vassal state of its allies, the international finance and interest lobby. This government has long since surrendered itself and betrayed its own people.

The only solution to this is quick and consistent action. Repatriation of criminal foreigners to their home countries. Harsh punishments for criminal offenders and more power for the police. Greater control of the state media and no more money for propaganda on public broadcasting. Knife attacks on innocent German citizens are now being reported every day.

The perpetrators come from the environment of Islamist organizations. The welcoming culture has failed and we must finally realize that people who are after our prosperity and security have no place in this country. In terms of the political decontamination of our public life, an AfD government will launch a systematic campaign to restore the moral and material health of the nation.

The entire education system, theater, film, literature, press and radio - all of this will be used as a means to this end. Elements hostile to the people must be sorted out and eliminated. Stricter laws and a police force that takes tough action. No more woke ideology that tells us how we should be, how many genders there are and how bad it is to feel German.

The family as a symbol of a community that relies on traditional values. Being proud of one's homeland, one's culture, one's language and the achievements of one's nation must no longer be dismissed and stigmatized. A reappraisal of German history without a guilt complex and free of obligation and false responsibility.

All of these are the goals that we Germans have set ourselves, ciao cocoa, to lead this country back to where it belongs. The national government will regard it as its first and foremost duty to revive in the nation the spirit of unity and cooperation. It will preserve and defend the fundamental principles upon which our nation is built. It regards Christianity as the foundation of our national morality and the family as the basis of national life.

©Serdar Somuncu
Current program "Seelenheil" now downloadable in Shop
*Serdar Somuncu is an actor and director
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