Serdars Deutschland 1: Berlin 5,00 € * Shiptime: ca. 1-2 Workdays Varianten Serdars Deutschland 1: Berlin Serdars Deutschland 2: Brandenburg Serdars Deutschland Folge 3 Serdars Deutschland Folge 4 Seelenheil in Liechtenstein / ungeschnitten Seelenheil Live in Moenchengladbach Seelenheil Live aus Bonn Into Cart Back to overview To checkout Share Article Added to shopping cart! Serdar travels through the mentality of the Germans. In the first episode he meets, among others, Kida Ramadan and Wladimir Kaminer. (Video 27:47 min.) SectionVideoArt-No.SD001 Facebook Twitter Whatsapp FB Messenger Pinterest E-Mail Zwischenablage